Historical Stock & Bond Returns
Once you start looking at 50 year annualized returns, you take out temporary cyclical moves. The three standouts of the past are…
Read MoreJun 27, 2021
Once you start looking at 50 year annualized returns, you take out temporary cyclical moves. The three standouts of the past are…
Read MoreJun 25, 2021
Households expect to spend a lot more in the next year, but the peak in retail sales growth has already occurred.
Read MoreJun 23, 2021
Boomers retired early during the pandemic. They aren’t going back to work after it ends. Instead, young people are taking their place…
Read MoreJun 22, 2021
Corporations have more money than they need as earnings estimates look strong, and stock buybacks increased in 2021, setting the stage for upside?
Read MoreJun 21, 2021
There was an intense factor rotation last week. This allowed investors to buy value stocks on sale that might not even be cyclical.
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